Comments on: It’s you, me or the robot: why are workers in the food industry paid so little? Tue, 11 Sep 2018 13:30:11 +0000 hourly 1 By: Kuni Leml Tue, 11 Apr 2017 14:53:00 +0000 Conservative Corruption or Conservative Treason?

It is the government’s job to maximize sustainable revenues for the nation in order to be able to support a sustainable strong national defense.

The only way to ensure a sustainable strong national defense is by creating and maintaining a strong middle class that can support a strong and diverse tax base that is required if one does not want to, like America is now, borrowing money to fund its military.

In Denmark, McDonalds pays it low level employees around $21 (USD) an hour and gives them 5 weeks paid vacation.

• Notice the lack of McDonalds exiting the market?
• Notice the lack of McDonalds replacing their low lever workers with robots?

(Rule of replacing workers with robots: If it were possible to do it, it would already have been done regardless of labor costs. The difference between paying a worker 50 cents an hour and paying a worker $21 an hour is a pittance compared to the cost of a robot that can do the job properly. A robot that can do the job properly is always going to be cheaper even if a worker is paid $0.00 an hour because there are still costs when it comes to letting people into the building.)

The fact that Conservatives legislators strongly oppose McDonalds paying their low lever American workers around $21 an hour with a 5 week paid vacation is either corruption or treason. (Every current job will be replaced by automation at some point in the future, better that low level workers make enough to afford re-training and be able to afford to pay taxes so society has the funds to pay for an orderly transition.)

No one walks away from profit, even if they have to pay taxes on those profits or if they have to pay a living wage, and let a competitor scoop it up. If a company could add one red cent to their bottom line if it thought that it could get away with murdering you and your entire family, that company’s next financial statement will have that cent added to the revenue number.

Claims that companies will exit a First World market because they have to pay a living wage and taxes, is lunacy up there with “The Earth is flat”, or “Global Warming isn’t real” or “The moon landings were faked.” Of course companies are going to try to peddle that BS, it is called “bluffing” in hopes of getting a better deal. Just call their bluff and tell them “Don’t let the door hit your ass on the way out.” One of their competitors will more than glad to fill the demand.

It would be better if Conservatives were accepting piles of cash under the table in a negotiated quid pro quo to pass, or proposing, laws keeping those who do the actual work one paycheck away from destitution, than the alternative, which is treason.

It would be better if Conservatives were accepting piles of cash under the table in a negotiated quid pro quo for refusing to pass, or fighting against, laws that would significantly increase the share of the wealth created by those who do the actual work being kept by those who do the actual work, than the alternative, which is treason.

By: evasmagacz Tue, 11 Apr 2017 07:23:00 +0000 I have cleaning company. When I raised the wages for all my staff – to above living wage – I received number of requests for shorter and part time hours from the staff that worked longer hours before.
And no Brit will replace 2 or 3 europeans whatever wage you are willing to pay.
We will have to replace europeans with labour from colonies: Pakistan, Bangladesh, Caribbean, Nigeria, Kenia
