Comments on: When the workers nearly took control: five lessons from the Lucas Plan Tue, 11 Sep 2018 13:35:45 +0000 hourly 1 By: The Most Radical Aspect Of Jeremy Corbyn’s Program? Democratizing The Economy – For Economic Justice Wed, 14 Jun 2017 22:32:12 +0000 […] unions at Lucas canvassed their members and produced a detailed plan for an alternative kind of restructuring that would see the company transformed: from one with […]

By: Proposals for economic democracy and shaping tech for the common good are gaining ground: people, workers should share in the benefits of automation and technological progress | Rapid Shift Tue, 13 Jun 2017 00:01:50 +0000 […] unions at Lucas canvassed their members and produced a detailed plan for an alternative kind of restructuring that would see the company transformed: from one with […]

By: Democratizar Isso | O Minhocário Thu, 08 Jun 2017 11:20:25 +0000 […] ver ‘When The Workers Nearly Took Control: Five Lessons From The Lucas Plan’, de Hilary […]

By: Democratize This By Michal Rozworski | Investigating Imperialism Wed, 07 Jun 2017 07:38:33 +0000 […] unions at Lucas canvassed their members and produced a detailed plan for an alternative kind of restructuring that would see the company transformed: from one with half […]

By: The Most Radical Aspect of Jeremy Corbyn’s Program? Democratizing the Economy | Cuba on Time Wed, 07 Jun 2017 02:32:04 +0000 […] unions at Lucas canvassed their members and produced a detailed plan for an alternative kind of restructuring that would see the company transformed: from one with […]

By: BC Thu, 01 Dec 2016 21:03:00 +0000 This was an amazing initiative. Although we lost touch many years ago, one of the shop stewards in the picture, Terry Ford was a very dear friend of mine in City of London Poly. Through him, I met Mike Cooley (read “Architect or Bee” if you want to understand the potential of Socialism) and several of the others. What was striking about all of them (with the exception of Terry, who was larger than life in every way) was that they were so ordinary and were completely in awe of the people they represented who had come up with some of the incredible ideas which came out of the initiative. As Hillary says here, this really was a bottom upwards exercise and should be studied by anyone serious about industrial democracy.
