Reclaiming land as a common good
The aim of openDemocracy’s ‘New Thinking for the British Economy’ project is to present a debate on how to build a more just, sustainable, and resilient economy. In the project so far we’ve debated policy areas ranging from trade policy and universal basic income, to childcare policy and housing .
But across Britain, hundreds of people are working tirelessly to build a new economy on a daily basis, putting new economic ideas into practice from the ground up. In a new video series, we will be showcasing some of the most exciting initiatives that are already working to replace different aspects of our failing systems with fairer and more resilient alternatives — from housing and finance to food and energy.
This week, Mark Walton from Shared Assets speaks to us about the work the organisation is doing to reclaim land as a common good, and pioneer new models of land management that deliver shared social, economic and environmental benefits.
Watch the full video below: