CTRLShift: An emergency summit for change

This week hundreds of activists will gather in Wigan for ‘CTRLshift: An Emergency Summit For Change’ – a three day conference exploring the uncertainties and opportunities of our times, convened by around 20 grassroots, social change organisations.

Kicking off on Tuesday 27 March, the event will bring together activists, organisers, and entrepreneurs to develop a shared agenda to shift power over our democracy, economy and environment, from Westminster and multinational corporations, to people and communities across Britain. By bringing these solutions together and mobilising people for local and regional action, the organisers hope to make ‘taking back control’ a positive reality. As the conference summary explains:

“Our departure from the European Union is a moment of significant disruption and presents us with an unparalleled opportunity to reshape the future. We believe that the best way to effect change is to bring together those working to reform the system with those actively building practical radical alternatives on the ground.”

Over the course of the conference participants will hear from a wide range of organisations and speakers and spend time discussing challenges, examining possible solutions, and exploring opportunities for collaboration. There will also time for socialising, networking and live performances. The overarching goal is to help a more effective movement for positive change to emerge from collective actions.

Partners include Co-ops UK, The Alternative UK, Forum for the Future, People’s Food Policy, Shared Assets, Permaculture Association, Solidarity Economy Association, Social Enterprise UK, The Finance Innovation Lab, Stir Magazine, Totnes Economy Project, Transition Network, Local Futures, Shared Future CIC, Coop Business Consultants, Schumacher Institute, The Low Impact Living Initiative, Real Farming Trust, Red Pepper, Schumacher College and many more.

For more information on the programme, or to find out how to attend, visit the summit website: www.ctrlshiftsummit.org.uk

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